Wednesday, August 18, 2010

new place

I found a place to live starting Friday, a converted loft space in Williamsburg, on Kent Ave, right by the water. Its definitely got an industrial vibe, also an "assembled from pieces and scraps" vibe, which is cool. It actually reminds me of my place in Austin in a way.

I drew another bag today, number 2. Picture below. This one is for you Steph. I think I'm going to order some more and keep the series going. Its slowly evolving. I think I need to more strictly follow a set of rules. Now the patterns are really only driven by aesthetics. If I think it looks good, I draw it. Although to be fair, I did start with distinctive wrinkles in each bag. This second one had some excellent wrinkles to trace.

I did something really, really stupid. I rode over to Brooklyn to see the new place, and was in a hurry and rode right past the bike lane over the bridge. I rode across the bridge in the auto lanes and got yelled at several times. I was really nervous about getting clipped, but to be honest, it was not as nerve-wracking as 360 in Austin can be. Oh, and my butt was sore today. Too long off the bike obviously. My burning legs say the same thing.

Oh, saw this excellent guy as I was walking to grab a sandwich today, just across 6th Ave. Really made my day. (He's wearing a kilt!)

1 comment:

  1. No, he isn't; he's wearing a pleated skirt. But if you want to wear one, let me know and I'll send you one. A real one! If you recall how to wear it!
