One of my favorites so far has been Joshua Bell and the New York Philharmonic. Just a beautiful, fantastic, insert-superfluous-adjective-here, performance. So cool. But unlike the Mahler symphony from the week before, my seat was way, way, way up in the third tier. (For the majority of people in the world who haven't been to Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center, that means in the rafters, sharing a seat with the pigeons, looking through a hole in the skylight.) The sound was still good, and it was still a very worthwhile experience.
ButI started thinking about the other things I'm experiencing in a third-tier kind of way. One of the big ones is fashion. I've never been so conscious of fashion as I've been these last few months. Its easy to not care at all what you wear in Austin, especially since its over 90° over 90% of the time. Shorts and t-shirt, done.
But here, fashion is something about which I am much more conscious. I'm sure this is heightened by the fact that I am in a design field. I'm becoming more and more certain that presenting yourself in a fashionable manner is essential to being taken seriously in my field. I used to think it was enough to just be professional in dress when the occasion justified, but something Calvin, the principle, said to my team a few weeks ago really made me rethink that. I paraphrase, but it was something like this: How can we expect a client to believe that we can design something for them that is current and beautiful and fashionable if we are wearing last year's look?
This might seem incredibly vain. I'm trying to put myself outside the issue, but I now agree so strongly with him that I am having a tough time playing devil's advocate. Sure, you can say "the beauty and power of my design speaks for itself," but I think everyone knows that is bullshit. There is no way Le Corbusier sat back in his out-of-style suit and said, "my Villa Savoy speaks for itself." He was a shameless self-promoter, and was definitely very conscious of the image he presented to the public. Why else would he have chosen a pseudonym?
So in this round-about way, I'm getting around to saying that I think I'm going to try to include some 'fashion observations for the frugal-minded' in this blog. I hesitate to say fashion tips exactly, because I really, really don't know much. But just the same, I'd like to offer my observations, partly as a way to codify my own likes and dislikes, and also as a way to incentivize me into paying more attention to fashion. So keep them eyeballs peeled.